
Documentary about people from SF Bay Area who bake Challah bread to connect

Jews share Challah bread during Friday night dinner. It is one of the weekly rituals that welcomes Shabbat, the Jewish day-of-rest. There is no one recipe for the Challah as there are countless desires that have been kneaded into the Challah for thousands of years.

The documentary Around is an intimate view into the tradition that continues to connect people around the table today. It captures fifteen Challah bakers in their homes. They are individuals of different cultures, self-identities and stages of life from the San Francisco Bay Area. The personal stories are interwoven with the reflections on today’s meaning of Shabbat by Rabbi Yeshaia Charles Familant, former director of Stanford Hillel.

Bay Area Challah Bakers

Who are they? What drives them? What is the secret ingredient that builds homes and connects people? Decide for yourself.

Brenda Goldstein

El Cerrito

Claudia Kravetz

San Francisco

Dalia Katan

San Francisco

Diane Rauchwerger

Palo Alto

Diane Whitten-Vile


Fred Half

Palo Alto

Cantor Jaime Shpall

Palo Alto

Jason Friend

San Francisco

Jeffrey Carmel

Los Altos

Liora Brosbe


Lisa Rauchwerger

San Jose

Michael Lezak

San Francisco

Robyn Shutt

San Francisco

Sam Tobis


Zoe Penina Baker



The documentary Around is the film by designers Dominika Blackappl and Michal Sloboda. It originated as a gift to Dominika’s daughter at the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah. On Mother's Day 2019 it was also gifted to all mothers and the other brave people, who are, tirelessly, gathering us around their tables and making sure we all are welcomed.


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